About Us

A message from the Chair of the Liverpool College Foundation (LCF)

You might have heard of the LCF and wondered what it is, what it does and what its Members do.

The Foundation

The Foundation is a Company limited by guarantee and is a Registered Charity. The Foundation owns the Freehold of the Estate at Mossley Hill, which has leased it, since September 2013 under a 125-year agreement with the Liverpool College Independent School Trust (LCIST). LCIST run the Academy under a Funding Agreement with the Department for Education, and the Lease would be terminated if ever that Agreement should cease. The Foundation and LCIST operate as separate Trusts under arms-length arrangements and have a Landlord and Tenant relationship under the Lease. Under the Memorandum and Articles of Association (M&AA) of LCIST, the Foundation is responsible for appointing several Members and Governors of LCIST.

The Foundation now focusses on the following activities:-

  • The overall direction, organisation and management of the Foundation as a registered Charity and Limited Company.
  • The Foundation’s role as Landlord under the terms of the Lease with LCIST
  • The management of its Financial Assets and Funds
  • The Foundation’s obligations under all Legal Agreements
  • Its relationships with the Academy

The Role of a Foundation Member

A Foundation Member (FM) is a member of LCF in accordance with the terms of its M&AA and is appointed by the Board of Trustees.

Key Roles

·        To participate as a Member in the governance of LCF

·        To promote and support the name of LCF in the public domain

·        To provide skills, experience and material support to LCF and the work of the Board of Trustees and associated Committees and Projects

Principal Duties

·        To receive information from the Board of Trustees and to offer advice or help in relation to issues raised

·        To maintain contact and general interest in the activities, progress, events and performance of LCF

·        To respond to requests for assistance in relation to needs for expertise and experience, material support or contributions to the work of committees or projects

·        To receive the Annual Report and Accounts, to attend General Meetings and to help provide an oversight and scrutiny of the affairs of LCF by asking questions, promoting discussion or advancing suggestions about performance, strategy and direction 

Our new website/database, “The Lerpoolians” allows us to connect quickly and directly with all Liverpool College stakeholders. We are delighted with the enthusiasm shown by those who have also chosen to “sign-up” to the site, contribute, and enjoy its content. It brings a sense of activity and fellowship to the alumni and other Liverpool College supporters, missing for many a year.

We want to encourage any of our stakeholders who wish to help get in touch with the Foundation Office
***. We can then give you more information and answer any questions you may have.

Yours sincerely,

Charles Hubbard

The Liverpool College Foundation Office,
Mossley Hill,
L18 8BG


***You can download the two forms here:

LCF Application CV and Covering Letter




Queens Drive,
Mossley Hill,
Liverpool, L18 8BG


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